Are You Looking For a Smarter Approach to Your Health?
Let's work together to develop a personalized strategy that puts you back in charge of your health and vitality.
Are You Looking For a Smarter Approach to Your Health?
Let's work together to develop a personalized strategy that puts you back in charge of your health and vitality.
Choose the program that's right for you...
Tired of feeling dismissed and unheard?
I provide a plan, a partnership, and a promise to get to 
the root cause so you can restore your health!
I provide a plan, a partnership, and a promise to get to the root cause so you can restore your health!
Do you ever wish that your healthcare provider would take the time to listen to your story and actually hear what you have to say? If you’re not being heard, how can you ever hope to heal?

I believe that both the problem and the solution to your health issues are contained within your story, so I listen attentively in order to determine how to best serve your needs. 

This saves you precious time and money - neither of which you can afford to waste when you’re not well.

Recommendations will include the most appropriate functional lab testing, nutritional and lifestyle upgrades, mindset transformations, neuroplastic therapies, and necessary supplement support.

Introducing...The Essential Program
A personalized health optimization strategy to address the root cause of your symptoms & restore your health
"Can you help me with _______?"
It is never my intention to "treat" any condition that my patients present with. It is my goal to reverse engineer a patient's presentation by removing whatever is interfering with their health and add what is missing.

I do not replace medical interventions but instead help my patients become their own health advocates. My goal is always centered around restoring vitality. I believe that a diagnosis can never paint the full picture of what is going on and only limit intervention options.

While is not my intention to treat a diagnosis, patients with the below issues have reported significant improvements:
  • ​Cognitive decline (brain fog, poor memory, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s)
  • ​Neurodevelopmental issues (ASD, SPD, Global Apraxia)
  • ​Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Concussion Syndrome
  • ​Dysautonomia, EDS, and MCAS
  • Autoimmune disease (MS, RA, Celiac, Type 1 Diabetes, Hashimoto’s, Psoriasis, etc)
  • ​Digestive disorders (IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s, Colitis, heartburn)
  • ​Hormone and endocrine imbalances (Thyroid disease, PMS, hot flashes, PCOS)
  • Infertility and irregular menstrual cycles
  • ​Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
  • ​Adrenal imbalances
What To Expect When You Partner With Me
The Highest Level Of Service
My number one priority is to provide you with the absolute best service and professional guidance while you’re under My care. I will fully support you throughout your health journey as we seek to develop a lasting partnership. 
Learn Powerful Life Skills 
The Essential Program teaches you health skills that you will benefit from for a lifetime. I believe that the true value of our services starts when you leave my care and apply what you’ve learned on your own.

My goal is to teach you how to be “independently healthy."
Looking Beyond Lab Markers
Your lab results are the “result” of your dietary choices, trauma, lifestyle habits, daily routines, body movement practices, sleep schedule, and other environmental factors.

I go beyond treating numbers on a piece of paper. My objective is to identify what your contributing factors are so that we can partner together to create a personalized, whole health strategy.
I Am Ready To Serve YOU!
Start Your Health Optimization Journey
This program is designed for patients dealing with more significant chronic health challenges

Starting at:
Our most basic program for healthy individuals seeking a personalized self-care plan
Starting at:
Our most popular program is designed for patients dealing with more significant chronic health challenges 
Starting at:
Living Proof
Our most comprehensive program includes all of our services to ensure your highest level of success
Starting at:
Program Features
I believe health is your most important asset. As such, the decisions you make should be done with great care. If you're tired of getting the run-around and ready to commit to your best life, let's connect. 

I'll carefully listen to you and help you find the strategy so that you can finally get the results 
that you've been looking for. 
I believe health is your most important asset. As such, the decisions you make should be done with great care. If you're tired of getting the run-around and ready to commit to your best life, let's connect. 
I'll carefully listen to you and help you find the strategy so that you can finally get the results 
that you've been looking for. 
Billed one time.
  • 4 x Appointments
  • Webinar Access
  • Workshops
  • LPI Community
  • Video Lab Interpretations
  • Lab Interpretations x 3
  • Direct Lab Pricing
  • Personalized Supplement Plan
  • personalized Lifestyle Plan
  • Free Shipping On Orders Over 99
  • Living Proof App
  • Program Binder
Billed one time.
  • 8 x Appointments
  • Webinar Access
  • Workshops
  • LPI Community
  • Video Lab Interpretations
  • Lab Interpretations x 3
  • Direct Lab Pricing
  • Personalized Supplement Plan
  • personalized Lifestyle Plan
  • Free Shipping On Orders Over 99
  • Living Proof App
  • Program binder
  • Email Access
  • Client Concierge
  • Virtual Home Inspection
  • Exclusive Perks With Partners
  • 1 Mindset Session
  • 2 Lifestyle Consults
Billed one time.
  • 12-15 x Appointments
  • Webinar Access
  • Workshops
  • LPI Community
  • Video Lab Interpretations
  • Lab Interpretations x 3
  • Direct Lab Pricing
  • Personalized Supplement Plan
  • Personalized Lifestyle Plan
  • Free Shipping On Orders Over 99
  • Living Proof App
  • Program Binder
  • Email Access
  • Client Concierge
  • Virtual Home Inspection
  • Exclusive Perks With Partners
  • Mindset Session x 1
  • Lifestyle Consults x 2
  • Mindset Mastery Program
  • Onsite Home Inspection
  • Onsite Shopping And Meal Prep Experience
  • 2 x Tickets To Annual Event
  • High Performance Coaching
  • 10% Off On All Supplements
  • Movement Coach
  • 2 x Coaching Sessions With Sachin
  • Exclusive Facebook Group
  • High Performance Coaching
A Detailed Look At The Essentials Program
5 Functional Medicine and Functional 
Neurology Myths Debunked 
Myth # 1 - I've tried "everything"
This is a phrase that I hear over and over on our discovery calls. Many patients feel like they've done everything that they can to get better. However, within a few short minutes it becomes clear that there are many stones still unturned. When a person submits to the thought of having "tried everything" they subconsciously submit to the idea that nothing more can be done.

Most people I speak to have never had functional lab testing, a functional neurological evaluation, or an assessment of their living space - all of which can be fundamental to the healing process. Chances are there are many aspects of your health that have not yet been fully explored. 
Myth # 2 - If this worked, my doctor would know about it
Allopathic medicine operates out of a completely different paradigm than functional medicine and functional neurology. Allopathic medicine focuses on the name of the disease and implements a one-size-fits-all approach that centers around symptom management and pharmaceutical drugs. This is fine for acute care or emergency interventions to help you feel better in a traumatic or life-threatening situation. However, in long-term chronic care circumstances, treating a disease through symptom management never leads to true healing and can often end up exacerbating the problem.

In stark contrast, functional medicine and functional neurology is more focused on uncovering the root causes of your health issues and providing a personalized plan to correct them and help you actually get better. I help coach up your adaptive physiology by supporting the entire body and brain as a whole, integrated unit that has the ability to self-heal once it is properly balanced and provided with the correct inputs. I also believe that there is a time and place for intelligent allopathy, and will recommend it accordingly if I feel it’s necessary.
Myth # 3 - I don't have time
We are all allotted the same amount of time in a day, and that time passes whether you’re healthy or sick. Few things are more wasteful than time spent managing an illness or disease. Think of all the hours spent online researching your illness or sitting in a doctor’s waiting room for a 15-minute visit. When you don’t feel well, you’re also less productive at work, and that can impact your finances - which leads to more time wasted, spent worrying about your bottom line.

I believe that being healthy is one of the best ways to free up more time for you to do the things you enjoy the most with the people you love the most. In order to help you make the most of your time, I offer the option and convenience of recorded video consultations to provide you with clear, concise directions on how to finally take control of your health and your life. The next 24 hours are going to pass regardless of what you do. Why not spend them pursuing better health?
Myth # 4 - Functional medicine and functional neurology is expensive
This is the biggest misconception about functional medicine and functional neurology - primarily because we’ve been conditioned to expect insurance to pay for everything. In doing so, we have unwittingly ceded control of our wellness over to the lowest bidder - at the expense of our own health. In reality, functional medicine and functional neurology is the most affordable form of healthcare on the planet, especially when you consider that the average person spends more money in their lifetime in the allopathic model managing a disease or illness without ever truly healing.

Sometimes the true cost of services being rendered isn’t just measured in dollars and cents, and just because something is covered by your insurance company does not make it cheaper. I am proud of the fact that the average patient saves thousands of dollars each year in medical expenses, while at the same time learning a liberating life skill that can be taught to their own children and loved ones. When choosing a healthcare provider, it’s important to look beyond the cost of something, and instead consider it’s value. In this manner, functional medicine and functional neurology wins every time.

Myth # 5 - I can figure this out on my own
We live in the era of information, and the entirety of the world’s knowledge is available at your fingertips. Yet the most valuable information you need for true healing is the knowledge of what’s going on inside your body, and until now you weren’t allowed to access this information without the permission of your doctor or insurance company. I trained to ask you the right questions, order the right lab testing, and give the right brain-based stimulation to provide you with a deeper insight into your personal health challenges and how to overcome them.

Functional lab testing and a functional neurological evaluation clues you into information that you or your doctor would never know otherwise. My goal when partnering with you is to help identify the root cause of your health problems, teach you the appropriate life skills you need to remedy them, and support you as needed. Self-navigating through the sea of conflicting information ends up costing you both your health and your sanity. I don’t recommend it
What Our Patients Have To Say
Still Need Help Choosing the Right Practice?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we work together remotely?
Yes! With the exception of a blood draw (if necessary) all lab test kits can be mailed to you and performed in the privacy of your own home, then mailed back to the lab along with your sample(s). Once I receive your results from the lab, I will send you a brief video interpretation of your results followed by a one hour appointment to go over them in greater detail. Appointments with me can be done from the comfort of your own home or office via phone or Zoom and from virtually anywhere in the world.
Is lab testing necessary for the program?
Yes! Labs are a vital part of the process in uncovering hidden malfunctions, discovering healing opportunities, and getting to the root cause of your health issues. Without the data and information that labs provide us, I would just be guessing what's wrong with you. I don't guess...we test.
How much do lab fees cost?
I will determine which lab test(s) will be necessary during our initial discovery session and will depend upon the information discussed at that time. On average, you can expect to spend between $500-$800 for initial testing. In some cases, follow-up testing may be advisable to monitor things such as hormone balancing, mitochondrial function, or the eradication of a gut pathogen. Regardless of how much you pay in lab fees, I’ve made every effort to ensure that you’re receiving direct-lab wholesale pricing on all lab tests.
Do you offer financing?
Yes! I offer patient financing through Advance Care Card in the United States.

Visit Advance Care Card to apply.
Do you offer a family discount?
Yes! I offer a 10% discount for each immediate family member (spouse and children under 18.)
How long does it take to heal?
There are many factors involved in determining how long it will take for an individual to heal, such as your level of participation and commitment, your individual health issues, and your current state of vitality. It’s important to understand that it’s not reasonable to expect to undo decades of damage in just a few weeks. I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to healing, because we’re all unique individuals with different histories, abilities, lifestyles, and needs. This means the healing process will be as unique as you and I like to allow it to unfold naturally as your body permits. No matter how long it takes, I am here to support you throughout your healing journey.
Can we continue working together when the program is over?
Yes! While I endeavor to provide you with everything you need to become liberated from the “symptom-management” system, many patients come to realize that a healthy mind, body, and spirit is priceless, and as such they find comfort and value in continuing with ongoing support from me. 

Whether you choose to adopt a proactive approach to maintaining your health, or if you require additional support after your program is complete, I make it easy and affordable for you with a few options. My goal is to provide the right amount of support to facilitate your goals.
A Final Word From Our Founder

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All Rights Reserved © 2023 
Seigler, LLC • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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